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Kurdish Peace Institute in Qamishlo

The Kurdish Peace Institute in Qamishlo provides decision-makers and the public with locally-rooted, actionable information on critical issues facing northeast Syria, the region, and the world.

About the Program

The Kurdish Peace Institute – Qamishlo provides decision-makers and the public with locally-rooted, actionable information on the most important issues facing northeast Syria and surrounding areas.

We are proud to be the first U.S. think tank to have an office in this critical region. We believe that having a presence on the ground is essential for building a culture of research and analysis in northeast Syria that can be a source of information for a diverse array of stakeholders, allowing them to better promote sustainable, just, and democratic political solutions to local, regional and international conflicts.

Thematic Areas

Our thematic areas of focus include:

  • Politics and Governance
  • Conflict and Security
  • Peace-building and Political Solutions
  • Gender Equality

Our analysis products and events will focus on one or more of these thematic areas. The areas are broadly defined in order to allow the program to respond to critical developments. Contributors are encouraged to focus on specific issues falling under one or more of these categories.

Latest Programs

Kurdish Peace Institute in Qamishlo Convenes Conference on NES Local Elections (June. 28, 2024)

On June 28, 2024, the Kurdish Peace Institute in Qamishlo brought together Kurdish political parties, civil society, members of the media, and local election authorities for a conference on opportunities and challenges presented by proposed municipal elections in North and East Syria. Participants debated the elections themselves and the wider security, political, and economic context in which they had been planned. They made recommendations as to how legitimate, democratic elections can be held in a manner that promotes internal and external peace and security. Key takeaways from the conversation included the need to find stable solutions to ongoing Turkish threats, improve municipal services and promote economic development, strengthen participatory local governance, and ensure that any election process will be as democratic and inclusive as possible.

How to Contribute

The Kurdish Peace Institute – Qamishlo welcomes pitches from contributors who either are based in northeast Syria or have substantial experience in and familiarity with this region. We are particularly interested in providing opportunities to local contributors and encourage them to pitch to us. Contributors may write in English, Kurdish, or Arabic.

To contribute, please send a pitch of no longer than one page to The pitch should cover your central argument, the main points you intend to make to support it, and your proposed conclusions and recommendations. Please also include a short bio including your regional experience.
